ASES International Consulting

ASES is a research company established with the aim of providing services in many research and development fields, especially in health and education, contributing to the trends of the next century and making a name for itself in this field. ASES takes place in national and international research and development structures with its expert staff. The rich expertise accumulated over the years by its expert staff aims to encourage social innovation to support research and development activities in a wide variety of current topics primarily education and health. It will continue to make a brand for itself in the most current topics of the coming years in order to develop content and innovation. ASES an Education and Health R&D organization was established with the aim of being the center that makes the most important contribution to sustainable solutions to be produced in the next century to the fundamental problems of the planet. ASES represents a wide network including governmental institutions, local administrative organizations, non-profit organizations, commercial organizations, and educational institutions, with the participation of many private and public stakeholders. ASES will be the main actor in R&D initiatives.

ASES will be putting its contribution to the service of society in the next century as the main source of its life. ASES's expertise works to meet the stakeholders of evidence-based research and the latest national and international technological solutions, as well as to bring these solutions to life commercially. The ASES team consists of researchers, educators, VET trainers, social entrepreneurs, company owners, project managers, healthcare professionals, and research center founders, who have been the leading actors in innovative solutions for years. As ASES Founders are professionals who have offered most of their experience to the benefit of the IT and the Education sector, R&D activities, and international research and will be part of the solution as an ICT and Training Solution partner.

Although the core team of experts, who came together for the above-mentioned purposes, consists of 8 professionals, approximately 50 personnel from every field that can take part in the project or training can be assigned on a project basis, and approximately 25 professionals can be assigned training delivered to the customers.

Customers are organizations from the public or private sector, and their needs may be for training or technology development. Some of the educational content that can be offered by ASES can be on the following topics:

- Entrepreneurship

- Career Guidance

- Interpersonal relationship

- Critical and creative thinking

- Decision making

- Risk management

- Project and time management with software

- Communication skills

- Negotiation techniques

- Inter-cultural dialog

- Business skills etc.

Our Mission

ASES professionals, who have achieved remarkable success in many national and international projects, have found it appropriate to turn their experience they have accumulated in different institutions and organizations into a stronger synergy under the same roof.

Catapult Your Career (CYC) Project Partnership Structure

Catapult Your Career (CYC) Project Partnership Structure

Catapult Your Career (CYC) - career guidance and key competences for youth (2023-1-LV02-KA220-YOU-000151349) project supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to increase their employment capacity, motivation, resilience and job application skills



The CATAPULT Project is an Erasmus+ project supporting young people from non-privileged backgrounds to increase their employment capacity, motivation, resilience and job application skills.



THE REVIVE 5.0 PROJECT is an Erasmus+ project focussed on exploring emotional intelligence as an important asset for Human Resources management to secure the transition of SMEs to Industry 5.0.

The Bigger Picture (2018-2020, N. UK-1-UK01- KA204-048160)

The Bigger Picture (2018-2020, N. UK-1-UK01- KA204-048160)

Forest Fire Protection Project

Forest Fire Protection Project

Training for self-protection against forest fires in rural areas Main target: People from rural areas , Adult education centres, Rural public and private associations, Private Social Solidarity Institutions, Police, Political authorities, Religious institutions, Fire corporation’s representatives, Civil Protection Institutions, Red cross, Training institutions, Municipalities, Social partners and anyone interested in the subject



The working environments of the upcoming years will bring along a new understanding of OSH triggered by the future developments in green technologies. Green economy, green jobs, decent, healthy and safe working concepts are under redesign. Given how fast the green economy is expected to grow, the role of SAFESENSE+ project is to outstrip the anticipated new or emerging work-related risks associated with green jobs before they arise.



COVID-19 crisis shed light on the key enabling factors for effective digital education and training: connectivity and suitable digital equipment for learners and educators; teachers and trainers that are confident and skilled in using digital technology to support their teaching and adapted pedagogy; leadership; collaboration and the sharing of good practice and innovative teaching methods.

The EDDI project

The EDDI project

The EDDI project aims to help teachers, families and students to better understand the causality and consequences of leaving education in order to find possible solutions to the ESL (Early School Leaving) problem. We believe that only a comparative analysis of practices and interventions between countries which do well in the ESL statistics and those at the opposite end of the spectrum would deliver a sustainable solution to the ESL problem. Besides economic and social mobility impacts, ESL has been linked to bullying, violence or micro criminality. ESL is a threat to the successful future development of the workforce and community prospects.

Parents Engage project

Parents Engage project

Parents Engage project was born from a partnership composed by seven organisations from Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey. We work together to reinforce teachers’ skills in fostering productive relations with migrant and refugee families, supporting migrant and refugee parents to be involved at their children’s schools, improving education and tackling ESL and disadvantaged migrant and refugee children in primary and secondary education.



4Talents tackles their lack of motivation by taking a strategically different approach; it maintains that even if an individual has no formal qualifications, experience has ensured that he or she has already acquired a series of life skills. The program assists in the identification and naming of these skills, enabling the individual to see then a place for him/herself within the employment market from which, they believe, they are excluded. Disadvantaged young adults are a problem modern society often has to face. Statistics show a clear link between a lack of education on the one hand and unemployment, dependency and poverty on the other. This means that all citizens must constantly update their knowledge and skills through lifelong learning – those, who do not do this, are at risk of social marginalisation. Already existing education and training possibilities for unemployed people, especially for young adults with specific needs, are neither specific nor flexible. They do not respond to the needs of the labour market, nor do they promote personal development. In this sector of society, one of the main barriers to employment is the lack of motivation. A key action for young people is to clarify their career path, find their strengths and talents to ultimately find a job.



In 2017 a group of VET stakeholders envisaged the need to create a European community of practice (EROVET) with the aim of devising tools to increase youth employability in Europe, mainly in countries, such as Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy where youth unemployment rates were and still are very high. Eight partners in seven countries decided to join efforts and use their knowledge, experience and power to help reverse the situation. Although currently some countries such as Spain have improved their youth unemployment rate, the situation is quite similar and still much more needs to be done. EROVET partners still believe they can contribute to this important priority.

L4Y Learning For Youth

L4Y Learning For Youth

L4Y Learning For Youth is an art and technology company founded in 2018 in Pirmasens, working in the youth field. But, it fits with the digital and technological skills to work in the VET field. In the scope of our skills, we help the solutions environmental protection and integration issues. The world is changing quickly with emerging technologies like Quantum Technologies (QT), Blockchain (Metaverse, NFT, smart contracts), and Artificial Intelligence. As L4Y, we know that it will vary everything in our future daily life and affects the business, economy, and needed employees’ skills. The change will create new entrepreneurship opportunities and open new horizons in front of today’s young people. Even the companies inside Metaverse are looking for virtual employees (avatars) to work in their virtual jobs inside Metaverse today. Using technology and art skills for social problems like the integration of migrants and environmental protection is our social contribution. Adapting ordinary people to this change will be difficult for most people except “digital natives”, Gen-Z. Our primary target group is young people and VET trainees to help this adaption by training their parents as pioneers of digital transformation.



We care you

Latest news
Utilising Emotional Intelligence to Guide Change in SMEs in the Industry 5.0 Process

Utilising Emotional Intelligence to Guide Change in SMEs in the Industry 5.0 Process

Change management skills have become much more important as part of Industry 5.0, which combines advanced technologies with human-centred innovation. Industry 5.0 aims to strike a balance between automation and human creativity, with particular emphasis on people's emotional well-being

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the 5th Industrial Age in the Netherlands

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the 5th Industrial Age in the Netherlands

While the Netherlands is strategically positioned to take a leadership role in this new revolution in industry, the value of emotional intelligence (EI) to guide the path this revolution will take is of paramount importance.

Revive 5.0 Project Newsletter No: 4

Revive 5.0 Project Newsletter No: 4

Upcoming pilot activity of Revive 5.0 Curriculum for HR Managers of SMEs
